Almost everyone has at least one social media account in this digital era. Some people even have their own website.
What is the one thing these pages have in common? Its the first thing our visitors see; our profile picture. If we are not going to meet personally, our profile picture will make the first impression. It is well-known fact that a first impression is very important.
These days it is common practice for companies to de a background checks of their prospective partner and employees on social media.
Many head hunters are looking for professionals on LinkedIn. What's the first thing they will see?
Our profile picture!

Invest in your future!
When you are looking for a job, a quality profile picture can help you get your dream job. So having a fresh business profile picture can quickly become an exceptionally good investment.
A good photo shows confidence to our visitors, and this can often open doors for us. If you are an business person, artist or job hunter who is aware of the importance of creating your own personal brand, then you know that these business portrait could be the one that separates you from the crowd and help you succeed in your area.
No business executive can afford to have poor quality, outdated profile picture. This may give your business partners a wrong impression fo you.
A good photo can boost our self-esteem and self-confidence to new, previously unseen heights. A great portrait is beneficial for both professional and/or private life.
Are you ready to take your personal brand to the next level?
Business portrait - packages
Business portrait - for companies

Company portrait photoshoot
Business portrait photoshoot for all employees
On location photoshoot is available
10-15 minutes photoshoot per person
Professional Make Up Artist optionally
Flexibility, maximum attantion to small details
High quality pictures
Short delivery time